Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Something To Say

The last while I've felt a need to share some things...to have a voice. There are topics that I want and need to say something about. I'm not sure where the thoughts are coming from - but, they just keep coming. Most of the thoughts and ideas are about topics that I might have a unique perspective on or that I feel more needs to be said. I feel like part of it is that I'm being inspired to share my voice. Maybe I have things to say that need to be said in a certain way in order for others to understand. There are things that I want to tell people about - things I feel that just need to be said. I'm hoping that some of that can come about here on this blog. This is meant more for thoughts and ideas than some of my other blogs are right now.
I have a few things started. I just need to finish up and edit a few posts. It seems that some thoughts have come quickly and others have taken awhile to take shape. In all of that - I have several posts worth of keywords and phrases just so I could get things down while I figured out what and how I really wanted to say things.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Blog

I decided to start a new blog for sharing what I've been doing to focus on Christ each day. You can find it here. It's called Christ Daily. I realized I wanted to have this blog focus on other things.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

12 Steps to Change

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a program they share online to help people get through times when they struggle. This is one of several stories that has a powerful message. I know Christ can help us change. I know He wants to help us change. We just need to ask and then work on taking the necessary steps to make the change happen in our lives. The biggest thing is letting Him help us through each part of the path.

Primary Sharing Time 2016

I skimmed through this section today. I wanted to get an idea of what the annual curriculum will be in church this year. This is for the children (ages 3-11). There is an annual theme (2016: I Know the Scriptures are True) and then monthly sub themes that are broken up into weeks of study/teaching. This is the one for this month. I skimmed because I wanted to look for things that specifically mentioned Christ. I paid special attention to the week about the scriptures being His word. I also noticed the idea they had for keeping track of your own progress in personal scripture study. It would be fun to figure out something for the kids and I. So, here's the link for January's Sharing Time.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Today's Music

I shared to 'Work of Christmas' poem with the kids tonight. It was a great jumping off point for some thoughts about Christ, His birth, and the coming of a new year. I love that we're able to continue focusing on Christ - even when the celebrations might be over.
I also played some songs from my Michael McClean Songbook that I've had for years.

One is called, Together Forever Someday. (I just did the link because I wasn't able to pull it up from YouTube. Odd.)

The other two were Stay With Me and Be That Friend. (I just watched this one too. It won't let me post it either. It was put on YouTube about five years ago. Things have changed since then. Technology is different. I'm not sure I'm not sure what's going on with the pink arrows in this one. Maybe you can just close your eyes and listen to the song.)

Here's 'Stay With Me'. It's the only one that was there. (I'm not a fan of the extra quotes.) I attempted to sing this while I was playing it today. I got choked up at the part...'I'll have him back again, I'll still be lonely until then...'. I forgot that was in there. I think I cried even more watching it just now.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sabbath Day

So, today I did several things that helped me to focus on Christ. Our family went to church and I participated in the Sacrament. I also did some other things too.

I read part of an Ensign article about The New and Everlasting Covenant, watched a video clip about a story that President Monson shared on the topic of prayer, and watched a YouTube video for the Amazing Grace. If you want links - you can go here. It's my Christ Daily Facebook page.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

More of Day Two

I had an opportunity to attend a workshop in the morning. I was about finding your mission in life. I certainly want my mission to include serving the Lord and helping others feel His love.

As part of my 'Christ Daily' efforts, I also played 'This is My Beloved Son' on the piano from the Children's Songbook.


Day Two: Christ Daily

Today I read the last chapter, The Christ Child, in this book.

A Christ-Centered Christmas
Seven Traditions to Lead Us Closer to the Savior
Emily Belle Freeman

This poem is part of the that chapter.

The Work of Christmas

When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To fine the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.

Howard Thurman
(The Mood of Christmas and Other Celebrations, pg. 23)

The beginning of a new year is a great time to start the 'work of Christmas'.


Friday, January 1, 2016

Birth Date of Christ

I will be doing something to think about Christ each day this year. Obviously, it will just be a few minutes at a time. I noticed someone asked about this as I was scrolling down my Facebook feed this morning. So, this is my attempt to have some documentation and learn something for myself as well as getting another person's question answered. It's an article about the birth date of Christ. I have read part of it and it's pretty informative. I just wanted to make sure I had it saved somewhere. I think it's going to count for my #ChristDaily.