Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christ in 2016

I've decided to do something daily that has to do with Christ in the upcoming year. It will be something I read, watch, listen to...maybe an act of service or some other action that brings me closer to Him. I did 25 Days of Christ for December and think I will do it again next year. I thought I would continue with a full year of 'Days of Christ'. We'll see how it goes. I'm not exactly sure where I will record what I do. It might be here, another blog, or possibly on other social media. I might just write in my journal about it. Or, I might have some days where I don't write anything at all. Here's to a new adventure.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Full of Guidance

I just watched this. It was just what I needed. I'm sure I will be watching it again. It's a BYU Devotional by Elder F. Enzio Busche. I love the German accent. I remember meeting him and his wife when they came to visit our mission. (Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Mission) They are great. I decided then that besides being inspired...he and his wife both have a great sense of humor.