Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Kill An American

I received an email stating this was 'too good not to pass on'. Good stuff. It makes a great statement about who is American - where Americans come from and what we believe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Skinny Jeans

I just got back from Girls' Camp. There was a moment when I found myself with some gals from another ward. I overheard one of the girls comment briefly about not bringing her 'skinny jeans'. I slyly glanced over my shoulder to see who had made the comment. I'm not sure why - I already knew that all of the girls there were skinny. At first I couldn't figure out why she would even own a pair of 'skinny jeans'. I thought they were for those of us who are 'skinny challenged' and want to give the illusion that we are more slender than we really are without the 'skinny jeans'. It didn't take me too long to realize that for this young woman and the other gals around her...'skinny jeans' means tight jeans that make you look even more slender - even though you already look like the wind could blow you away at any second. Oh, to never have to go through puberty.:}

Sunday, June 14, 2009

What did You Say?

These are all part of conversations I had today. Each time a voice in my head said, "What did you say?". I needed time to process. Here's the context for each.

"Will you let us combine with you?"

Sounds simple enough, right? I was being asked (by the Ward Young Women President) if I would teach all of the Young Women (and leaders) because one teacher didn't come and the other forgot. So, instead of three separate classes - we all combined today. I did a little adjusting and we were off and running. Ironic how the time I put the least amount of effort into a lesson - it's the time I get to teach a room full of people instead of just a handful. It went fine - it was actually kind of fun. We have a great group. They all participated today! Wow! That's big!

"You are so organized!"

This came from a charming Beehive girl I get to serve with this year. I have been told this before. But, I always have to do a double take because I don't consider myself an organized person. (If you've ever seen our house, you know.) In fact, I just remembered a time when a kind soul commented about how organized I was and both my husband and I laughed...out loud. The memory comes from a time we had a little gathering that was organized at the last minute and we just happened to be at our house. The gal today thought it was so fun that I 'always' had everything I needed for my lesson in my bag. (It's a Ghana original - thanks Mom/Dad.) She notices things like that because she tends to forget and is working hard to remember the items she needs to have with her. I guess in some ways I'm capable of being organized or organizing an event - but, ask me to organize the things in my home and keep them that way...that's a little out of my league right now. Although, I'm doing better.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Today's The Day

Today is the day the nation turns their TV watching to all digital. Another sign of our technical advances. To me, it's also an indication/reminder of how our country is doing. The switch was supposed to be made months ago. But, it was determined that not enough people were ready - so, the current administration decided that the date for the change will be pushed forward. From what I can gather, those broadcasting were ready - just the citizens that would be tuning in were not. What's happening to our country? What happened to...if you're not ready there's a consequence. No lives are at stake if a household is not able to watch television for a week or two...or a day or two - depending on how quickly you decide to purchase and hook up the equipment. My guess is that most of the country already had the technology to make the switch without doing anything at all. It makes no sense to me - it's as if the government is stating that we, as a country, don't need to take responsibility for our own actions. It's also a huge statement of - 'There's no reward for following directions or being prepared.'.
I see a trend...this seems to me to be just one example of 'the government' trying to fix what the 'people' have (or have not) done. It seems our economy could take a different turn if we (as a nation - it is our tax dollars that are being used) didn't give money to big companies that have 'gone under' by a previous definition, or help out the housing business because some huge blunders have been made in the past - just a couple of examples. I'm not saying I have any big answers - I'm just saying it doesn't feel American in the realm of economy. It's American in - let's help whomever we can however we can. (If that's the case - then what's the deal with so many citizens having a problem accepting immigrants?) It seems that America used to stand for the land of opportunity. We don't seem to stand quite as tall as we used to. It used to be that if a business failed because of bad ethics, lack of planning or bad timing - it still failed. It wasn't rescued by those who felt they could take tax dollars to bail them out. I'm not sure where I'm going with all of this - just that I'm worried about our country and I think individuals need to be more accountable. Unfortunately, it's also individuals who suffer for some decisions/actions that others are responsible for - or at least should be. I just want to know where the consequences are for those who took the actions. Maybe we just live in a society where our actions affect not just our lives - but, the lives of others as well. I'm sure those who bought homes a few years ago on loans they really didn't qualify for took no thought about the fact that those who would be trying to buy/sell a home now would suffer - along with the economy. Maybe I'm concerned because there are apparently enough people out there making exceptions (like bank employees giving out loans) to the rule that we really can't trust others anymore. We used to be known as a hard working, good work ethic country that was proud of who they are and what they had accomplished. But, it seems lately it's also been about the greed and not just about the competition to keep the business alive. Wish I had 'all the answers'. Maybe we could start with 'everyone' living with integrity.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Decided - Sort Of...

I think I'm going to make this an idea, thoughts and other random stuff blog.  So...anything that might not be specifically linked to family - like fun pictures or quotes from kids just might get on here.  So...that would leave well loved topics like religion and politics.:}  

Monday, June 8, 2009

Faith of a Child

We have been sick this past week.  Our Home Teacher came to help with giving the children blessings.  The boys have been the sickest.  When they were done receiving their blessings, my husband asked if anyone else wanted one.  One of our daughters said that she did and she went and sat down.  She was very sweet about it.  I thought about her excitement and realized the simple faith that children have.
I was particularly touched because I've been having a hard time with her the last little bit.  I wasn't feeling well today and she's not really one to be trusted to her own devices for very long.  She can think up crazy schemes and her little sister will think it's fun to join along.  So, for me to see a child in a different light was good for me.
When I tucked her in bed tonight, I told her I loved her and apologized for the times I wasn't very nice today.  She seemed to forgive so quickly.
Oh to be like a little child - to have faith, love others and forgive quickly...all without having to think much about it or put much effort into it. Life would be so much happier and peaceful if we were to all live like that.  I guess I should try it more often.