Saturday, June 29, 2019

Life Decisions

Thoughts about homeschooling. A response to a post in one of the LDS homeschool group.

I homeschool because of a prompting. I was in the temple minding my own business and was told I needed to homeschool my kids. Umm, what?!? I had heard of homeschooling but didn't know anything about it. I have four kids. Three of them were attending a charter school that seemed like a good fit for our family at the time. My youngest was going to be starting kindergarten there - having done 2 years of preschool elsewhere. 
I started that fall with kids in K, 2nd, 6th, and 7th grades. The only thing that kept me going was that I knew it was inspired. I've asked since and all I get is - 'You know my answer.'. My kids are now 13, 15, 18, and 20. They are great kids and doing well in their endeavors. I've had quite a few people tell me how great they are - so much for not being socialized...or whatever. 
It's true. It's a sacrifice. I realized about a month ago that I have no idea what it's like to have all of my kids out of the house on a school day. Well, I do. But, it's only because we're on an outing or with other homeschool families...together. Our schedule is a little more flexible now that there are only two of them. (They'll be 8th grade and a sophomore this year.) 
It's been tricky at times. But, I know our family is closer because of it. It worked out perfect for when we were dealing with my husband's cancer. The kids had a chance to spend more time with him before he died. I'm grateful they all remember their dad. 
At the time I received the revelation I wasn't looking for...I had no idea what a blessing it would be for our family. Looking back - it's obvious 'someone' knew more than I did. And yes, I would do it all again.