Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Do you know where you're going?

On the way home from school my daughter asked..."Mom, do you know where you're going?". I told her I did and asked if she was concerned. She told me that she was - I let her know that I knew just where to go and she didn't need to worry about it. Somehow, when she realized that I was quite confident in finding my way home she seems just fine and the conversation changed topic.
It made me think of my role as a parent. Do my children know where I'm going? Do I know where I'm going? It seems in order for there to be a 'yes' answer to the first there must be a 'yes' attached to the second. If we as parents do not know where we are going, we cannot lead our children there. I am given direction by the gospel. In an eternal sense, I feel like I know my way to my eternal home. Our children need to know that we know where we're going. We need to be clear in our directions of how they can get there too.
Another thing that came to mind was that there is more than one way to get home. There are several ways to get from our school to our house. They all work. There are many days I'm grateful for the variety...it would be bad if I fell asleep on the way. In the plan of salvation there are a variety of ways we can go. The path is laid out for us...but, how we travel the path is left up to us. We continue with principles and have an opportunity to work with preferences. Interesting how we can so many people can travel the same way and we all do it differently.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weight Management Tip

I've found the solution!! In order to lose the weight - I have to cut down on the lemurs.:} (We saw this the other day at the zoo...just had to get a picture.)