Monday, June 23, 2014

On Being Articulate

June 15, 2014

I wrote this when I was thinking about things that are in currently in the media. There are so many pieces to the puzzle that I'm not sure where to start or how things fit together. I just want people to be able to feel like they have a voice. I want respectful dialogue. Wouldn't that be nice? It sounds like the beauty queen giving the answer that she'd like world peace when asked about her goals.

I feel like there's so much to say about some of the current things happening. I'm not sure how to voice my opinions. Sometimes I'm not sure because I haven't clarified them enough to put into words. Other times, I feel like I don't want to say something that would be offensive. I'm not saying I don't want to have a different point of view - I'm saying I want to make sure I articulate things in a way that my views are clear and yet not be rude or sound hateful.

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