Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Real Question

I was watching a video clip about a Bible story the other day and remembered an experience. The experience was being in the temple and seeing a man with dark hair that reached his shoulders. His hair was thick and healthy. (I remember that part because I might have been a bit jealous. Why is it men can pull off having long hair be healthy more often than women can? Maybe they don't do as much with it to damage it? I don't know. Done with tangent.)
I remember seeing this guy and thinking he looked familiar - I kept trying to secretly do the quick glance thing so I wouldn't get caught or look too odd or obsessed. I didn't think he would have felt comfortable knowing I was trying to figure out who he was while we were there. One of the women that was helping out, made a comment to him about having the day off or not performing that day. I can't remember. I do remember hearing the comment/question and wondering if the guy was in 'Savior of the World'. It's a play that's done at Christmas and Easter time at the Conference Center Theater on Temple Square. It's obviously about Christ. The setting is during the time period that he was on the earth. Most of the men in the production have long hair to go along with the more flowing wardrobe that was 'in' during that time.
Anyway, I wondered about that - decided at the time that I recognized him because I had seen the play and I moved on with my day. No more creepily sneaking glances.
As I watched the video clip the other day - I remembered seeing this man and a thought hit me. The guy I saw in the temple might have played the part of Christ in the play. But, as I think about that now, that can't be it because they purposely make sure the actor does not show his face. I wouldn't have recognized him anyway. Although, the man that played him when I saw it was taller than the gentleman I saw in the temple. I also had the thought that maybe the actor that played Christ in the video I was watching was the guy I saw 'in person' that day.
It was then that the real thought hit me. Or, maybe it was a very serious question. When I see Christ, will I recognize Him? Will I know him well enough to know that I'm in His presence? That's the real question - it's not what actor played who when - and I might have just happened to see one of the actors one day. It's about how well I know Christ. It's about my relationship with someone who has given His life for me and has asked that I give mine to Him. It's about what I'm doing to be closer to Him, know Him better, and follow Him closer. (I think there's a song I learned as a kid about that.)
"Oh Dear Lord, Three Things I Pray..." Anyone remember that one? I think we learned it at Vacation Bible School. Maybe - it might have been somewhere else too.
I am thankful for our Savior. I know that because of what He did I will also live again. I also know that he is the only way in which to obtain the goal of being with our family on a continual basis.

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